
Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Spring Time

Spring time is such a beautiful time of year with flowers blooming. This season makes me appreciate all the beautiful colours within our life. However this spring my time has been spent studying for my second year final exams which I am due to take next month.
Thankfully all my coursework is out of the way and I have handed everything in. I am just awaiting a couple of coursework marks so then I can work out my average and find out how many marks I need in my exam to do well overall for my second year. The second year of my studies counts towards 25% of my final degree, so even though I am not in my final year, my second year is personally important to me.
Even though I am currently on my Easter holidays, I feel like the days are just passing by too quickly for my liking, especially when I really want them to slow down. I can’t believe I’ve only got a week left before I have to go back to university for my final revision classes, before my exams.
Overall this academic year has flown by quite quickly. It has been great fun, no matter how busy it has been. I am just looking forward to completing my revision and exams and not having anything else to worry about and I can then enjoy my summer without worrying about my studies.
Apart from my studies I have managed to attend two weddings with family which was good fun. Although my family are not particularly close to the groom or bride, a lot of my cousins and uncles did attend the wedding so we did get to catch up. One of my cousins who I am particularly close to did also attended the wedding. I haven’t seen her in almost a year because she works abroad, so it was particularly interesting and exciting to get to spend some time together.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Easter holidays are here!

Wow! What a busy month it has been for me. I had to submit 4 pieces of coursework this month, each piece for different modules of my programme; mathematics.  The deadline for my final piece was last Saturday at 3am in the morning, needless to say that I was up till the early hours of Saturday morning finishing my coursework off. This coursework is quite important as it counts towards 30% of my final mark for one of my modules called numerical methods. I may have mentioned this in my previous blog. What a way to end the term.

As I submitted this coursework at the end of this term, I suppose it will be quite a while till I receive my marks. Hopefully I shall receive all my coursework marks at the beginning of next term, if not then at least before my exams. This term has been quite strenuous and busy, especially compared to the last. I just can’t wait till the exams are over and then I can enjoy my summer holiday peacefully with no revision or studying bugging me.

Although it is the beginning of the Easter holidays, I will be very busy as I have 4 exams to revise for and they are all very important in ensuring that I do well overall this year in my studies. I can’t believe that there is only 4 and a half weeks left till I sit my first exam left. Such a short amount of time and so much to do. Luckily I have made sure that all my notes are up to date and I have made some photocopies of some notes from my friends just to fill in any minor gaps in my folder. So hopefully, it’s just a case of reading trough my notes and answering past paper questions under time conditions. Luckily I do have two revision sessions for 2 of the modules left after the Easter break. So if I do have any questions, I can ask my lecturers then. First I just want to have a thorough read of my notes for myself just to find out what I do and don’t understand, and then I can go further from there.  

Aside from that, over the last few weeks I have been making frequent visits to the careers library to find out what’s going on in terms of job availability. Turns out not a lot. It’s quite tough to get a graduate job nowadays. There is a lot of competition and approximately 30 people are competing for just one vacancy. The number of vacancies available has decreased as the years go by and the job market is extremely competitive.  So I am now looking to do some postgraduate study after completing my degree. I’m not sure what kind of postgraduate degree I want to do at the moment; I’m just doing some research and looking at my options.

Anyways that’s enough for now. Hopefully I will be able to write again soon. Until then, take care.