It was a really nice surprise for my sister-in-law to call me yesterday afternoon. However when she did initially call me, I was busy doing something else (can’t remember for the life of me what that was). So when I finally did have the time to check my phone, I was quite surprised to receive a miscall from her, and I was very excited to call her back, as we hadn’t seen each other for ages (like 8-10 months) even though she lives only 10 minutes (walk) away. This is because we all lead very busy lives and her and my cousin brother usually go weekend holidays together, very regularly, or otherwise she goes to her parents’ house for the weekend.
So I then called her back after a couple of hours, and she has kindly invited my family and I to go to her house for an Iftari party next Saturday. She also said that she’s thinking of getting some of our other cousins together, so that we can have a really good catch up. She is really considerate and kind. She was asking about my parents and how everyone is. She asked if my dad will be coming to her house next Saturday for the Iftari party. I told her I wasn’t sure, he might be working next Saturday evening. So then she replies that she understands and she even offered to pick us up
with her car, which was really considerate and very sweet of her. She asked me to text her this Friday just so we can finalise our plans and confirm with her that we’re attending. I am really close to her as because we have similar interests for example in both literature and sciences. She loves classic novels as well as Shakespeare, and yet she has a degree in Physics. I’m really interested in novels too. My favourite authors are Charles Dickens and Jane Austen. The last Austen novels I’ve read were Emma and Pride and Prejudice. I have got a few more at home left to read, but I haven’t write managed it yet. One that I’m particularly keen to read is, Sense and Sensibility. I have watched the film, but I still want to read the book.
During the past week or so, I have also catched up on some literature reading. So far I have read Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, and now I am reading Hard Times by Charles Dickens. Comparatively I prefer to read Charles Dickens novels because I find the storyline really exciting and interesting. The book ‘Hard Times’ is is about facts versus fantasy. A teacher called Mr Gradgrind believes n facts and nothing but facts. Therefore he teaches his students only facts, believing that facts are all they need to know and nothing more. He only thinks that as long as something is factual and there is proof behind them then that’s the only knowledge worth having. He doesn’t believe in fantasy or imagination, and therefore never indulges in developing his student’s imagination. As you can guess the central theme of this novel is facts.
I have not yet finished reading this novel, what can I say? I am a slow reader. So far, I am really enjoying it and looking forward to completing it.
Other than that, I am looking forward to two days in particular, 18th August and 25th August. Yes, 18th August is A Level results day and I am really looking forward to it as my brothers AS results will be released on that day. He seems to be quite quiet for now, but I am very excited for him. He has assured me that he will text me when he receives his results and told me not to worry. Then, on 25th August my youngest brother will be receiving his GCSE results. He seems to be quite confident and self-assured regarding his grades and so I can only hope he gets the results he expects and deserves. All I can say is that the next few weeks will be very exciting for my family and I am really excited for both of them.