Wow! It’s the final week of university and yet the workload is
still the same, or maybe it could be said that it has increased! I have two more
lectures to attend; Finance on Thursday and Actuarial Mathematics on Friday, so
it’s busy, busy, busy for me. On Monday
we were going over the last topic, Finite Element for elliptic equations. It
was quite an interesting lecture which only lasted for an hour. The second hour
was spent answering a past exam question based on this topic as well as
comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the three different methods;
finite difference, finite volume and finite element of elliptic equations. In
my opinion, it was a great idea to go over a past paper question as it gives
an insight into what to expect in the real exam this May.
In terms of preparation for the exams, the best way to
revise in my opinion is to do past papers my lecturers have recommended to look
at 2 past paper one from May 2011 and May 2010. Tackling those two papers
should give us enough confidence and reassurance to perform well in our own
examinations. For most of my modules I have at least 3 past papers, in some
cases 4 but this is only because I downloaded some 3rd year papers last
April whilst I was studying for my 2nd year exams. Although my
brothers did complain at the time that I should be focusing on the 2nd
year exams and doing the past papers for that year only, looking back, I have
no regrets. Sometimes the previous past papers can get taken down from the
website automatically or otherwise by the lecturer’s request.
Before answering past exam questions, it’s a really good
idea to go over the tutorial questions. Obviously its not compulsory to
answer the computing based questions (some computing is involved in
Mathematics), it’s much more important to answer the questions that are doable
by hand especially considering all the final exams will be hand written and we won’t
be allowed to use a computer. Answering the tutorial questions is really useful
as it provides a summary of the lecture material. In my opinion, answering the
tutorial questions and getting at least 80% of the questions correct,
demonstrates good knowledge and understanding of the concepts of that
particular topic.
Another good revision tip is to learn the formulas.
Obviously some of the formulas are provided in the formula booklet; however I
always find that I need to use some formula which is not written in the
booklet. Only the most basic formulas are provided, and most of the time we
don’t end up using them, either because they are not needed or we already know
One more good tip is to have a scientific calculator, or 2 or 3,
but even I think that’s a bit over the top. Alternatively just have one
scientific calculator and a few batteries. One of my favorite tips and most
important for me is to bring a few pens and pencils. Pencils are extremely
crucial for a maths exam because we have to draw diagrams, sometimes sketches,
other times more accurately using fancy stuff like compasses and protractors. I
usually find myself starting an exam with a pen, then as soon as there’s some
drawing involved, I do switch to pencil and do my drawing. However, I do forget
to switch again! Its only 20 minutes before the end of the exam that I realise
that I have completed more than half of the exam in pencil. I often use HB
pencils for drawing, simply because they are the best, they come out light on
the paper and so it’s easy to rub out if I make a mistake.